Open Invitation of Sale Proposals
Purchase of Premises for Provision of Welfare Facilities
Open Invitation of Sale Proposals from Owners of Potentially Suitable Premises
As announced in the 2019-20 Budget, and with approval by the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council on 30 June 2020, $20 billion has been allocated for the Government to purchase private premises over some three years for the provision of welfare facilities.
Social Welfare Department (“SWD”) and the Government Property Agency (“the Agency”) are the main government departments responsible for the purchase exercise. The Agency is currently assisting SWD to identify suitable non-domestic premises for the purchase exercise by different channels including, among others, open invitation of sale proposals from owners of potentially suitable premises. Interested parties may click here for details of SWD’s requirements on the welfare facilities to be accommodated in non-domestic premises planned to be purchased (“the Open Invitation List”). Where appropriate, consideration will be given to accommodating more than one welfare facility in one purchased property.
Owners with potentially suitable non-domestic premises available for sale, including commercial premises/offices (excluding Grade A office buildings in central business districts) or premises of revitalised industrial buildings, should submit their sale proposals to the Agency via email to or by fax at 2827 1891. The Government will conduct assessment of potential premises in batches, with sale proposals received from open invitation and other sources by 12 March 2021 to be considered first. No deadline is set for submission of sale proposals as the programme will last for some time. The Government will conduct further rounds of assessment as necessary. The Open Invitation List will be updated from time to time for welfare facilities for which suitable premises have been purchased. An announcement will also be made in due course when the whole open invitation is closed.
- Particulars of the premises proposed for sale such as the address of the premises concerned (same as the address recorded in the Land Register), gross floor area and/or internal floor area, floor plan (if any), etc.;
- Current asking price; and
- Contact details.
- Address of the premises (same as the address recorded in the Land Register);
- Name(s), signature(s), and company chop (if applicable) of Registered Owner(s);
- Validity period of the authorisation; and
- Current asking price.
Consent from owners of premises for issuing advertisements in respect of their premises is not accepted as a valid owner’s authorisation for sale of the premises concerned.
- Copy of all orders/directions/notices issued by the Buildings Department (“BD”) and/or Fire Services Department (“FSD”) against the premises or the common areas of the buildings in which the premises are located;
- Consent for BD and FSD to release the above information to SWD; and
- Other information requested by the Agency about the premises.
- According to the Government’s policy, no agency fee (including commissions, brokerage fees or other fees) would be paid for any agency services provided to the Agency; and
- Where sale proposals are received from more than one agent for the same premises, the Agency may accord priority to the agent with the best proposal and if all things being equal, the Agency will normally consider the sale proposals on a first-come-first-served basis. Notwithstanding the above, the Agency reserves the right in the selection of sale proposals from any of the agents for the purpose of safeguarding the Government’s interest.
The Government is not bound to accept any sale proposals submitted by owners or their authorised agents in response to the above open invitation. The Agency will contact the owners or their authorised agents for further information of submitted sale proposals, if necessary. For enquiries, please contact the Agency via email

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